Wednesday, February 8, 2012

6 months old

How is my baby 6 months old already? It seems just like yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. He is such a joy! Ian and I were just saying how he is such a ham! He has a great belly laugh and smile! He is VERY verbal, lots of "dah dah dah dah", squeals, and giggles. His newest thing is shaking his head repeatedly. He thinks he's so funny!

He has also turned into quite the snuggle bug these days. I am not sure if he just isn't feeling %100 or if he just really loves me. He has even fallen asleep on me a few times this week. SO SWEET!

We love our little man and can't wait to see how the Lord is going to use this little joy!

bonus shot! 


  1. Yeah for new pics. Love them all, even the little cracker:)

    1. We really like our little man! I think we will keep him! :D

  2. Wow, I can't believe Job is 6 months already! Time does fly by and then he'll be married with a child of his own. :) I love the fact that Job seems to like Ian's dinosaur! He's his father's son! :) He's sitting up too! Awesome! Wish we could come over and play today. Love you all!

    1. I know... He's getting so BIG! He's totally turning into a little man! He is just getting interested in the dinosaur and he seems to really like it. I love that it was Ian's! Job is defiantly making his mark on it with all the drooling ;) That's the hardest part about living here, there is no popping by to play! :( But, its just a season.

  3. he is SO CUTE! I love him! i love the little onesies with the ties! you guys are awesome
