Wednesday, January 25, 2012

let the games begin

So this week at the Luggs, we are back into the full swing of seminary. Ian has class Monday & Wednesday nights and he is also taking an online class, which means, watching 3 hours of Doug Bookman another night of the week. (at least we REALLY like Doug Bookman) I think we are going to try Tuesday nights. So far I am liking the online class because that's one more night he is here with us. And who won't like taking a class in sweatpants while eating freshly bakeed cookies? Beats a tie and no cookies.

Last night Job was getting tired while we were trying to watch the DVD so he had some block time on the floor, and then some naked block time. :) Good times were had at the Lugg household last night.

look at that concentration 

so serious  
i love my blocks from Aunt Charissa + Uncle Randy

just too funny... 

This Friday night we have Ian's convocation. That's just a fancy word for "let the games begin." We are excited for another semester to be underway but could also use some prayer. It's always a challenge to find time to do homework and study amidst work, family time, class, Bible study on Thursday nights, youth events some Friday nights, and then just the day to day things that need to happen, like sleep and fixing the car window that broke for the 3rd time this year. :) 

All that to say, we are very excited for another semester here in NC.

Some bonus pictures... because lets be honest, the pictures are the only reason anyone comes to this blog and I don't blame you....

"hi grandma" (ian + i laughed out loud at this picture) 


  1. You child is stinkin adorable! We totally feel ya on the making time for everything amidst school work and family time! It is a difficult balance! Brian just changed majors so now we get to stay here until March of 2014!

    We have found that it is best for the family when Brian leaves and goes to the library or Starbucks to work on homework, that way he can focus without distraction and finish faster!

    It is also helpful for me because when I see him home, I really want to be with him (and I [selfishly] expect him to pitch in with the girls which he is too busy to do which frustrates me). So out of sight out of mind has helped us get through this time of crazy homework!

    That way when he is home he is really home!!

    1. That is great that you guys get to stay till March 2014! That's awesome! That's right about the time Ian should be finishing up too :) We keep missing each other. Maybe you'll stay longer and we'll stay shorter? :) We will have to see :)

  2. Yeah for the new camera and thanks for loading these up. Keep it up, you don't know how much I am encouraged by seeing this little man.

  3. Thanks for the pictures Kim! Love them! But then we love you all! :)

  4. Oh, my goodness, that last picture! :D That is too funny.

  5. I love the new picture at the top! I showed Great Grandma Marzolf the new pics and she loved them!

  6. As I scrolled by this post and got to the striped shirt pics, Hallie yelled "BAYBEE JOB!!!!! Cute shirt!" Then she asked to see "Pretty Miss Kimmy". :)

    1. Ahh! We miss you guys!!!! Can't wait to see y'all. I will have to tell Charissa + Randy that Hallie likes the shirt they got him from Venice. Hope you feel better soon!
