Wednesday, June 13, 2012

meal planning

Being BIG pregnant with #2 has made me tired and hard to motivate! So to help me, I have made myself a little checklist of things I have to get done every week to keep on the fridge. So, in an effort to get organized, we have started meal planning along with that checklist.

at +25 weeks (I told you I was BIG pregnant... and this pic made me look the smallest) :)
So this week was the first week of meal planning at the Lugg house! I thought I was going to hate it... but I was VERY wrong! So far so good. I have never done a meal plan because I want to eat what I want to eat, when I want to eat it :) (Spoken from a true pregnant lady!) But, I found out, if the fridge says it's crunchwrap night, I want crunchwraps :) Who knew? Here is a little example of our week's menu:

m: pizza hut personal pizzas 
t: crunchwraps
w: country club chicken +veggies on the side
t: chicken quesadilla + ranch
f: burger of some sort for me + braut for my man + corn on the cob

 I of course make modifications to every recipe, because I can. But the links above are at least my starting point. This week was not so healthy... but I really wanted to try out some new recipes. Next week will be MUCH healthier.

This reminder app makes grocery shopping so much easier!
(and yes, I need felt at the grocery store) :)

Its been fun finding new recipes on pinterest and then trying them out. I have been a little recipe happy when it comes to my pinterest. :) Now you know why.

I love them so much! He's the bestest!


  1. Kim, you are going to love menu planning! Keep at it!

  2. Cute coasters!!! And, cute belly:)

  3. Ian does a great job on the coasters! I love ours and now I love yours. :) Thanks for the belly pic. So cute!

  4. Those coasters are awesome! Did you make that paper that you have your meal plan on? It is super cute!

  5. Keri, I did make the paper. I looked for one online, but couldn't find one that had everything I wanted. I should have posted it so you can make it your own and adjust it if you want.
